Healing Oasis
Unique Energy Medicine
The physical body is surrounded and permeated by an "energy anatomy" known as the Bio-field. This energy field, referred to as "Chi" by the Chinese, is the vital life force energy of the Universe and is present around all living things. When the Bio-field is imbalanced, it can lead to disease, fatigue, and apathy, which are all signs of a compromised Bio-field.
Your Bio-Field
The concept of "Bio-field" was introduced by the National Institute of Health in 1994, revealing a subtle field that extends beyond the physical body. Negative fields of energy can obstruct, stale, or unbalance the energy system, leading to diseases. Factors such as stress, abuse, nutritional deficiencies, toxins, pathogens, immune dysfunction, and man-made electro-magnetic fields (EMF) can affect the optimum functioning of the body's bio-field. Power transmission lines and radio-telephony are some of the sources of un-natural EMF.
Scalar Waves Strengthen & Harmonize Your Bio-field
Your Aura
The human body is surrounded by an oval-shaped field of electro-magnetic particles known as the aura. This energy field can be damaged by various factors, including psychological conditions, disease, and man-made EMF pollution. However, research suggests that Scalar Waves can repair rifts and tears in the aura, remove undesirable energies, and enhance physical strength and endurance.